
Memory.. Little threads that hold life's patches of meaning together. ~ Mark Twain

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Learning Dutch

The project that my team is involved in, relating to architecture, construction and engineering; is all in Dutch. The colleagues are trying very hard to translate every single thing into English for us which I believe is not so easy for them to do in very few days. Even the guy who is supervising us admitted that he is not used to conversing in English for so long.

We are also having a hard time trying to understand the whole project by bombarding our supervisor with lots of questions on why this, what does that mean, how it works and where can we find certain parts. I think one fine day, he will be soooooooo annoyed that he will make us go back to Malaysia on the next available flight. Tee hee hee.. Worse of all, since the whole thing is in Dutch, we'll have to make full use of this Van-Dale dictionary software that translates Dutch to English and vice versa.

Maybe by the end of this 2 months, I'll be able to read a little bit of Dutch, but not good enough to speak a full sentence. Hehe..


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